Title: open up my hands (and find out they're empty) Characters: Lily, Lily/Owen. Rating/Word Count: G / 940. One-Line Excerpt: Is this the part where you fall in love with me?
Title: I'm a believer, I just need a moment Characters: Chuck, Eric. Rating/Word Count: G / 324 One-Line Excerpt: "It's your birthday wish. It can be as ridiculous as you want."
Title: and it's my heart you'll break Characters: Blair, Blair/Nate. Rating/Word Count: G / 955 One Line Excerpt: Nothing is as you thought it would be, but somehow you can’t bother to change it.
Title: such a waste of a young heart Characters: Jenny Humphrey. Rating/Word Count: G / 955 One Line Excerpt: It's not wisdom she gains as she grows older, it's guilt.