Challenge 008 Voting

Jan 09, 2011 12:47

Apologies to you all for the mega!delay with the updates. We hope everyone's had a wonderful holiday season!
Thank you for all the fics! Let's get back into the burnthe_city swing of things!

1. Please comment with the number of your top three favorite fics. (i.e. 3, 6, 9)
2. Please don’t vote for your own!
3. Comments are screened.
4. Voting is open until Monday 8 pm EST. Results and Challenge 009 will go up shortly thereafter.

01. you've grown into your skin since then by bob5fic
02. with your heartbeat next to mine by sing_song_sung
03. gravitational theory for chumps by frozenmolasses
04. Inescapable by carnivaldreams
05. it'll never be a story by artemis_sparks
06. who needs sleep when we've got love by jada_jasmine
07. What's My Name by potential_zeppo
08. open up my hands (and find out they're empty) by spentnights
09. is I can't come to terms (settle for something less) by slimybunny
10. she'll never be a story i make up by bob5fic
11. whatever a moon has always meant by lingeringnight

voting, challenge 008, !modpost

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