minotaurs. always minotaurs

Nov 21, 2012 09:53

nano is up to 37830 as of last night. Not bad, it's about 4k ahead. For comfort I'd prefer a bit further, but... decent. have three definite scenes ahead still to write. And the scene I wrote last night involved a minotaur chasing Edmund and his counterpart through caves under a city in Yugoslavia*. And yes, i checked about the geology of Yugoslavia with dad the geophysicist - 'Yugoslavia is mostly on limestone, you're fine for pretty much anywhere except Belgrade.'

Still rather amused about a comment heard from Taz at the pubmeet at the weekend (I have no idea what she was discussing, presumably writing) 'heather doesn't do plot during nano, she just has a concept and writes scenes around it. The one time she had a plot, she *started* with the plot. *one* time out of christ knows how many nanos.' Which, er... I suppose is true. See the scene I wrote last night. Which has no relation to anything else in the story whatsoever. I just had a snippet of dialogue in my notes of Edmund grumbling 'Minotaurs. Why'd it have to be minotaurs?'. let it never be said I didn't recognise the value of a chase scene to my word count.

*should add that I tend to use period-specific terms. It's the late 1940s. Thus, Yugoslavia.

writing, nanowrimo

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