
Jul 18, 2011 19:26

Pubmeet, we gossipped, there were new people, we hoped like hell that the Smitty Rule of Superhero Film had been appeased by Green Lantern and Green Hornet (there is only so much awesome available per year for the superhero genre; If one film is awesome, there must be another that sucks. Given that we've had Thor and X-Men: First Class already, we're hoping that the deep magnitude of suckage that was Green Hornet and the medium suckage that was Green Lantern used up all the suckage). We desperately want Captain America to be awesome. Because it looks so awesome, and has WW2 stuff in it. Really, for a comic that none of us have actually read and we only know a bit about, it's surprising how desperately invested we are as a group in wishing it to be deeply awesome. Oh, and we trounced members of the group who had yet to see First Class soundly and made them whimper and agree to see it stat. Because it is all the things we didn't know we wanted in a sixties spy film with added gay rights on top. And then we giggled about the McAvoy/Fassbender interviews. Which led to a Blazing Saddles sing-through and tormenting Sonya with 'Everything I do'. ...look, it happens.

Gideon turned up in his Terry Thomas outfit, and the HAT was duly tried on by many of us. Torchwood opener generally agreed to be nicely done and a good starting point for new viewers.


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