well, that was... interesting

Jul 12, 2011 23:51

so, spent today at work doing the usual of the past week. cursing comp, processing, gawping at the latest News International/Corp revelations, so on and so forth. 'bout an hour after lunch, working away and trying to kick my computer's arse, suddenly feel a little woozy. Ignore it, but it goes on, so drink some more water. Keeps going to seriously woozy, as in the 'standing up would be bad' woozy. Type this into twitter, hoping for it to pass as it's 3:45 and hometime is 5pm.

Couple of minutes later, those happy black flashes and vertigo that mean fainting imminent.
Me: "Oh bugger."
:faints and falls off chair: (well, slide more like since chair has rollers and goes backwards as I lose balance) :wake up two seconds after hit the floor:
Me: "....Bollocks."
Everyone else: "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?"
Me: "...I fainted and fell off the chair?"
:cue heather getting carted off to sickbay and spending the next half hour being VERY BORED with my legs up the wall to get the blood back so can stand up sometime soon and go the fuck home:

As Matt who sits across from me put it: "Well, you turned a really interesting shade, swore quietly then fell over. It was a bit of a shock and pretty impressive."

Get home, spend next couple of hours watching Wolverine. Because well done dumb action films are pretty much the only thing brain can deal with while recovering from woozy.

Head still feeling a bit tight. (dinner and doing the washing up and cleaning kitchen were fine) Off to bed, hoping it's not a precursor of being ill or some shark week-related shenanigans.

And I feel that Wolverine and First Class would fit perfectly, as long as we cut Wolverine off at the lumberjack scene. No silly genetic whatsiting of Deadpool, no Logan sans memories (really, pretty boring and got that way early years of comics) and no kids at the end/ Xavier with legs.

And True Blood. Hiiii, Eric. Sookie, Bill, you're not annoying me for once. Lafayette and Jesus, how so adorable? You too, Hoyt and Jessica. Tara? A personality? Surely not. Boring hillbillies. Sam. Meh. HOLD EVERYTHING, PAM IS ONSCREEN. WORSHIP MODE ACTIVATED.


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