(no subject)

Oct 18, 2010 15:48

pubmeet - fun as usual, Pete tried to poison us with Hong Kong sweets (oddly the Durian pancakes were more edible than the lemon-ginger things.) and much was discussed.

Jim pimped geek t-shirts.

Small huddle of writers swapping bits, (which means I now have my plot timeline/sequence sorted, hurrah!) me passing on the Inception gun use guide, writer wibbles.

Smitty was passing out clothing she no longer wears - the green velvet jacket I pounced on as Cathy made 'nooooo!' noises - lucky for her it was slightly tight across the shoulders on me. skirts went to Chrissy as he's one of the few of us who could fit into them.

Succumbing to the Tom Hardy obsession. Damn he's good in Virgin Queen. (in historical, went and checked facts and... huh. He married Lettice 18 years after his wife died? To say that dramas shorten this a tad (and that Elizabeth knew it was being planned) is an understatement. And I did not know Essex was his stepson. Shows how much in-depth knowledge I have of that period...)


writing, pubmeet, tv in general, ads: tom hardy, historical accuracy

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