Current food/exercise regime

Jun 21, 2010 15:02

Leaving as a notation.

And yes, I can do this off the top of my head as I eat pretty much the exact same thing every day for breakfast and lunch. I have no control over dinner's content as Dad cooks and he cooks *tasty*.

Brekkies : 2x scotch pancakes with butter.
Lunch : wrap w/rocket + 3-4 slices salami or scrambled eggs + 2x tomatoes + bread roll/slice
Dinner : 2 helpings of a pretty solid meal. (rice or pasta, meat often w/sauce, veg)
3-4 cups coffee w/milk and 1/2 teaspoon sugar
1-2 ginger biscuits (or chocolate equivalent)
once-weekly muffin

1h30m fast walk (with bits of sprinting)
50 squats with a bit of stretching
2h20m jogging/week.

So that's my current. To lose any of current podge I'd have to cut out the biscuits and one of the helpings of dinner. (the coffee is not negotiable) Or up the exercise, but I am a lazy sod who likes to crash on the sofa with t'internet when I get in from work and it would take major lifestyle changes to change my exercise habits. I was doing mid-week jogging last autumn but that was because I was having to burn off major work frustration.


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