pubmeet : or fandom is stuck in a pub. it shall call for help.

Jun 20, 2010 12:44

Pubmeet : a place where geeks discuss writing, politics, slashing the World Cup (yes, several footie fans and the existence of John Terry), mockign the Australians' attempt to play footie, the glory of Matt Smith, seeing what the shrieking/cursing level will be after putting ice-cold pint glasses against Heather's back when she least suspects it, caber tossing being the only legitimate time you're required to wear undies underneath a kilt, Spitting Image, and want traditional English stodge pudding (Wetherspoons understands our needs). When one person makes 'hmmm... pudding...' noises, and ends up having to go up to the bar with a list written on the back of a Post office receipt. 'That's 2 waffles with chocolate sauce, one cheesecake with compote, one treacle sponge with custard...' I love the word pudding. Unlike the word dessert, it conveys the idea of stodge with added custard and the happy inability to move more than 2 inches for a good while after eating one portion.

There was also happy relaying of stuff that happened at T2, discussion of Church of England paganism, Cthulhu and World War 1 and precisely how to get the necessary Blackadder cameo in there (yes, we really do discuss fic writing), researching maggots and the lovely things they can do to organic tissue with pictorial examples, and citing Regeneration and its source books for recovery from shell-shock during WW1 (Cthulhu fic again), 90210 (blame Brian Austin Green), and the forthcoming sacrifice of Justin Bieber to the volcano gods on Aug 23rd (date for your diary). Remember, kiddies, we can sacrifice him to the nearest volcano and just hope a god is listening. The gods don't mind generic sacrifices. They'll also take Bieber fangirls since there's a limitless resource.

Oh, and aeshna_uk and mingmerciless are fucking evil. Not as evil as David Cameron for fomenting the idea that Labour are a Star Trek convention in the first place, but still, evil. They went on to figure out which political parties are which fandoms. I think Lib Dems were B5, the Greens were Farscape, North Korea were the Whedonites. (look, we're badgering her to post the coherent version)

Pete? uknova, and biomedcentral.

fandom, pubmeet

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