wherte strawberry shortcake comes to make out

Jan 27, 2010 16:18

:facepalm: My Glee addiction continues apace (up to ep 11 now). Bollocks.

I started off not being able to watch the screen, now I'm squeeing on twitter to et_muse about how much I love Kurt's dad. Please, please, please let him be in the second half of the season. (APRIL????) Kurt, of course I love unreservedly for his fabulosity and ability with the one liners. Sue. oh god. I thought I couldn't love Sue more and then 'Wheels', aka the Very Special Disability Episode happened. An American show that can be shallower than a puddle with sparkly shoes attached fucking well made me cry 3 times in one ep. And had a character with Downs Syndrome that I recognised from real life, as opposed to American tv land trying to make a point (though the ones I knew tended to be far bitchier). Wishing the others got more lines and chances to sing. Tina, baby, more solos. Will, just dance more. And hell, I like Will's wife. She may be unbelievably shallow and materialistic and a wee bit deranged, but she loves her husband and let the lie go too far in her attempt to keep him. Though personally I'd have had her fake a miscarriage - no pressure to produce actual baby, major sympathy points, etc.

For some reason I'm now reading Kurt/Puck fic. partly because they've both got brains, and Finn may be pretty, but Kurt, you deserve someone with a brain, and if Puck can have chemistry with all the female members of Glee, I'm sure he can have chemistry with the boys. The rest, I have no bloody idea why. My brain is weird. You know this.

Listening to Glee songs on youtube. It really was a waste for them to have Rachel sing 'On My Own' as her audition piece considering what happens later with the Rachel/Finn/Quinn.

Okay, I have no idea where to start searching for this - it's an idea I've had knocking around for a plot strand in an original fic, no idea if said story strand would even work.

Character A is Scots, lives in London. collapses outside hospital in LA with injuries from a fight, no ID or phone on him. wakes up with amnesia.

Character B brings his mate into said hospital with a twisted ankle. Sees pic of A on computer when he goes to the nurses' station. A is in fact B's regular hook-up when he's in London. So how the hell do I get B to prove who A is, or even get access or anyone to listen? (presume it doesn't help that B is a film star who's known for having a different girl on his arm every week) he's got a lot of photos and can provide facebook/flickr page, and can provide such things as tattoo and scar details. Where would I start searching for procedure on this?

writing, tv in general

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