listing a few things

Jan 25, 2010 14:28

TV list:

Big Bang Theory
Vampire Diaries
Better off Ted
True Blood
Being Human
Dr Who

Southland, new episodes of

A few of these I'm mainlining, or previously mainlined and am now pouting about this concept of 'waiting a week for a new episode'. It's very uncivilised. Listening to the Glee playlist on youtube and going 'oh dear FSM, what the hell is that in context of?' as am only up to ep 4.

Finally got out one of the fics I've been meaning to finish and post since, oh, October. Went through notepad and compared to the WIP on the comp. Huh. Could've sworn I wrote out more dialogue than that... Still, at least I re-started it.

Testing of innocent veg pots, #2 : the winter special (parsnip hotpot) is not bad.

writing, tv in general

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