smite the tech and writing

Oct 22, 2008 22:07

Well, after one of the IT guys managed to crash my computer remotely (there is a reason our dept bans them from our computers - we see that little messenger box pop up and we fear) I stormed in, grabbed him and said 'you will come and fix what you did *now*', he got the answer to the question he'd originally wanted (he wanted to install version 6 of something and we were replying with 'er, did that last week' - so checking that it was + serial number), and he went through the deepest darkest parts of the registry to find any start-up stuff to see what was getting my computer to a crawl in the past week. And you know what we found? ITUNES. on the start-up. WTF? I distinctly remember opting out of it the last time I attempted to put a quicktime update through. BAD APPLE.

Yesterday I started writing at lunchtime and continued writing on the way home. Bit of random thinking inbetween writing periods, but otherwise complete stream of consciousness prose, no crossings-out fic. Which was 7 pages of A4 Peter/Susan/Bacchus porn. :facepalm: I have no idea why either. Quite decent porn, too, where Bacchus essentially snorts at Peter and Susan's reluctance to get it on at a revel because of the little thing called siblinghood. Never mind that I ship Peter/Susan *anyway*, but I did always wonder how they got together in my head the first time round. And apparently it involves wine and Bacchus going 'don't be fucking stupid'.

Other news. Continuing the Thin Veneer of Civility 'verse (post-war Pevensies) which is essentially their parents freaking out, and need to finish the scene I'm currently on, which is Peter home on leave. And the parents seeing yet another side to them - Lucy's bossiness and insistence on checking out Peter for injuries because she doesn't trust him or the army medics is bloody weird, because yes, she wants to be a nurse, but she hasn't even left school yet, for instance. And no, Susan is not that alienated from the others as CS Lewis had it. She's being practical and making the best of things. And may be getting recruited into government or spy work at some point in the future.

tech, writing, narnia, work!smite

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