icon meme

Oct 21, 2008 21:36

Go to your icons page in Livejournal and look at the first two icons (the one on the right and the one on the left). Pair up the characters in the two icons. Go to the next two and do the same until you have a list of ships. Then...well, write 'em.

Guinevere/Letty (Fast and Furious)
Sex, tattoos, and bashing people's heads in. Specifically the really stupid menfolk with a completely stupid sense of honour.

Door collapses right into his arms in the middle of a street and things go weirder from there. (see Sharpe's... everything)

Oh look, new subject for a play!

Shakespeare/Arthur (Clive Owen)
See above. Can't quite get his Christian leanings.

Vader + Leia/all the fun people in A Knight's Tale
no, my brain broke. Kate, Chaucer, Will and the others would just run rings around them. And then nick the beer while Kate took apart the lightsabers to build them better.

Saffron has no problem with this. There is great sex and muchos swindling of EVERYONE ELSE.

Maybe once, then she fucks off with knife held in front of her as she backs out.

Hellooooooooooo NURSE. Though Norrington would get terribly exasperated on occasion.

Claire (Lost)/East End Gangster AU Sirius/Remus
Well, Claire got a job working at one of the clubs Remus runs...

Starbuck ended up on the TARDIS when her Viper was about to explode, and Nine generally pouts about his ability to pick up charming fuck-ups who like guns.

:handwaves: go to a Stargate comm. It's there.

The Glorious Twenty-Fifth of May/War
War was never quite sure how well that one rated.

Them/Cylon Raider
:shrug: Adam still hasn't had a go on it since Pepper nicked it.

Nine (Doctor) /Six (Cylon).
'No, really, do you ever get bored of having everyone refer to you by your designated number? Rose, stop pouting about supermodels on-board ship. JACK.'

Simon partied a lot during med school.

Six/Paul Bettany.
Paul is very, very scared and hopes it never gets back to his wife.

making out during college football games.

Rodney/Shep/Opera House
They got kicked out after shagging in a box.

Penguin/Gary Oldman
Gary believes David will *never* let him hear the end of this.

Robert Fraser/Methos
Ask Methos about the couple of years he spent up in the Northwestern Territories.

Death of Rats/Herr Stark.

Starbuck/Power Girl.
Kara, say hello to Kara. :pause: Katee, if they're ever casting the JSA film, how do you feel about padding?

Doc Holliday/Rose
The time the TARDIS landed in the old west. rose just seems to attract con men.

Dean Winchester/Bertie Wooster
hey, he's cute and can sink whisky with the best of them. Though Dean got thwarted in nicking his wallet by the valet.

What happens when the alternate universes bleed through. AGAIN.

Eddie Izzard/Colin (Love Actually)
Colin spent some years as a groupie.

Father Jack/Whiskey/Belle
Belle will kill you first.

Prince John/Jack Harkness
Jack always did like early English Royalty.

Jack harkness/Jack Harkness
:Jack grins:

Jack's not seeing a problem here.

Nope, no problem here....

Jack/Jack/Real!Jack Harkness
'ever tried twins?'


John Barrowman/Matt Rippy/Spider Jerusalem
early in Matt and John's career, they managed to pick up a very high tattooed journalist.

Behold the snark when he fell through the Rift. Thoguh they couldn't hide him from Jack that long.

John Barrowman/Norrington
The actor really had no sense of propriety.

Sarah Walker/Sheriff Vasey of Nottingham
The things you have to do when undercover.


Ianto's Coffee Club/Owen
Owen denies that he's a member.

Do I get *any* rest?

Lady trentham (Gosford park)/Starbuck
She doesn't like to talk about her mis-spent youth as a military wife.

The Doctor had a habit of picking up pretty companions, and Rose can;t believe she's met someone who makes the Doctor look like a kid.

'hey, can I get any attention over here?' 'Hmm, if we put that sequence of code with that crystal...' 'And we reverse this...'

Chuck/Morgan/John Barrowman
What happens at Comic-Con stays at Comic-Con, as far as Chuck's concerned. Morgan, on the other hand, cannot believe his fanboy cool points.

Hello, YES.

Ronon has decided he's bringing it back to Atlantis as long as it finds someone else's leg.

Ari/Colonel Tigh
Ari was high at that Airforce bigwigs fundraiser and is not going to talk about it. Tigh just rolled over and told him to get out.

Susan/Miss Piggy
I can see these two having way too many cocktails and demonstrating the correct way to lay someone out.

The text, it speaks for itself.


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