Torchwood : the spin-offs

Feb 18, 2008 22:47

someone on (very crap torchwood reviews, but the rest is funny) posited an idea that needs to be let free with many flying monkeys :

Torchwood needs spin-offs. Like Law and Order. CSI. Casualty and Holby. Only they would be *different time periods*. (though you could also do the different Torchwoods in the different time periods, too)

Torchwood: 1918 would be all about the awesomeness of Harriet and Gerald.

Torchwood: Empire/Golden Age - The Victorian years. With canon steampunk. (remember the telescope?)

Torchwood : WW2. with added post-war and rationing and The Blitz and alien stuff out in the country and spy stuff and land girls and evacuees and... I'm not drooling. Honest.

Torchwood: 1960s - this would just be... oh yeah. miniskirts and rock 'n' roll and psychedelia and Avengers-style and oooooo. And East End gangsters.

Torchwood : 1970s. Gene Hunt is informing me that any poncy aliens who show up on his turf will have to answer to him, and that he can swagger better than that bleedin' Harkness any day. Also to keep his hands off his DI.

tv: torchwood

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