
Feb 19, 2008 19:27

Shite. Shite. And shite again.

Work? No good. You know how you get pissed off because people don't do things, creating more work down the line? (and my lot don't seem to realise that because we all do the same job, what they don't do now at one stage is something that they have to do later, only it'll take longer and be more difficult) I write one of my periodical reminder emails of regular glitches (I see a broader range than most because I work as the backstop/cleaner up of corners/skimmer) that they keep doing, only because I've had a not-good day and more fuck-ups than most, the tone tipped from my usual gentle sarcasm to a bit nasty. And when I get pissed off, I lash out and can be downright vicious. Then I blew up at the next thing, and especially blew up when they rebuked me for my tone in the email, me snarling that the people who get hurt by my tone should get a thicker skin, and really blew up when they used the 'just a job' line in an attempt to placate me when I'd said I don't ask for them to work miracles, just be competent. I think there was yelling involved. Including the statement 'I don't care about the job! I care that it gets done *right*!'


Course, l'espirit d'escalier got me thinking later that I should've pointed out that the customers are paying how much, this is what, a year to two years of their work, it's how much riding on it, and the very least we should be doing is keeping up our end of the bargain, no matter how shittily we get paid. And that the proper come-back to 'Just a job' as the excuse for cutting corners is 'Oh, is that what your plumber says?'

And all they - and everyone who heard me blow up (open plan office) - are going to remember is that I yelled and was vicious. Not what I was yelling and what got me to the end of my tether.

...Fuck. I hate having standards and a work ethic when no-one else does. Other problem being that I like my workmates and normally get along with them.

And I don't have a boss I can take this to. Our department doesn't have one. At least one that's actually involved in our work - and the one that's our vague boss is off on holiday.

smite!work, work

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