Eastern Promises

Dec 07, 2007 22:23

I have seen. Really, really good film - midwife gets caught up in Russian underworld goings-on when a 14 year old bleeds out whilst giving birth on her ward. Great script, acting's brilliant, camerawork is gritty and noir and brilliantly framed. One of those films that really, really makes you feel you're *in* a place even if they only use a few locations and it doesn't try to go 'we're in LONDON! Let me show you this red bus and this bobby!' It's like Gangster no. 1 in that way, and oh god how is it like Gangster no. 1 in places. There's a scene where audience hissed and whimpered and cringed from what was happening onscreen all at once.

Viggo? Please stop doing that calm, emotionless, rarely changing the facial expression aside from faintly amused, or disgusted with someone else's behaviour and therefore disapproving. It's fucking scary.

In conclusion : rent this on dvd. You won;t regret it but you will be going 'eeeeeeeep' fairly early on and won't stop going 'eeeeep' for a while after.


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