...the weather hates me

Dec 07, 2007 18:32

Today, it was so windy all the ferries were cancelled. Went to Pendennis, where I almost got blown over several times. Kind of interesting for the National Heritage geeks - St Mawes and Pendennis were built at the same time by Henry VIII, and the original castles are almost identical in layout and original gunrooms and so on, except Pendennis kept getting extra fortifications, the first of which made the original downstairs gunroom useless. Although if you've visited St Mawes, you can see how it would've originally been set up. Pendennis, on the other hand, was used continually as an artillery/barracks so quickly got extra buildings and big guns and so on. A lot of the Pendennis exhibition shows off the various fortifications and WWI and II barracks and guns and things like the location of the submarine mines and observation posts.

But my god it was like having your face made raw. With a couple of two minute bouts of rain. And interestingly, one case of hail when I was fifty yards from home.

Been catching up on Robin Hood. Way too much fun, loads of gay, fanservice, and large amounts of ultra-violence (though oddly bloodless). And munchkinott, Allan doing the lean and Gisburne sizing each other up in motion is even better and gayer than it is in screencap. Also, the amount of blatant anachronisms vs. the really bloody inconsequential only see them if you're a history geek details that are disturbingly historically accurate is making my head hurt. It's like 'whee! gay! whee! laura ashley prints! whee! Swashbuckling! :whiplash: '...was that just them cutting Marian's hair off in public as punishment?' and MUCH. 'We're artists.' :glomps:

Hmm. have two minutes to decide whether I want to go see Eastern Promises (viggo and Naomi watts film about eastern european gangsters in london.

historical, tv: robin hood

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