nano prep

Oct 31, 2007 14:12

Knackered. Caffeine not helping. Have to start nano tomorrow (which means getting off my arse and charging/formatting my pda again and hunting down the just-in-case AAAs I have for the foldaway keyboard - have not used said PDA for a good couple of months). Been trying to insert more details for peace of mind but not really succeeding.

Tasks : get round to finding how long the Algiers -> Tunis train takes. Been meaning to do it for ages, just never got round to it even though it's technically the easiest of all the research.
Watch relevant bits of Enigma tonight for the Jeremy Northam factor and the fact that the first couple of scenes are actually *set* in Bletchley.
Figure out which CDs I want for soundtrack. Suspect there will be large amounts of swing and soundtrack music figuring in it due to era.
Ponder if it's worth sorting through icons folder and uploading new ones for darkisrising. How is it I have bugger all in the way of Peter Wingfield icons? Must hunt and stalk Highlander icon comms.
Resign myself to the fact that it's going to take me weeks to catch up on flist. And tv. Am already two eps behind on Robin Hood.
Need to figure out which musical I want to see, as Spamalot proved a welcome addition last year.

Oh, and Torchwood Babies are out to kill you with cute again for Hallowe'en.
Back from Ha-Ha's. Their moules marinieres contain bugger all garlic, but their chips as ever are glorious.

writing, when teh cute attacks, nanowrimo, recs

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