needs more Methos.

Oct 30, 2007 20:21

Well, have just finished Agent Zigzag by Ben Macintyre, about Eddie Chapman, a double agent in WW2 on the advice of someone on little_details. Not sure how much I've absorbed, but good for atmosphere. Good read, large amounts of 'I'm sorry, they did what and let him do what?' but it does point out on the cover that you wouldn't believe it if it was fiction.

Debating whether to watch bits of Enigma or finally get around to reading more than the first chapter of the book in further attempt of my brain totally not thinking about nano. Been gibbering over Peter Wingfield in Holby City as well. Dear lord, *when* are the Torchwood team going to get onto that man's agent so he can be in at least one ep? I mean, admittedly watching him and JB interact would probably cause people's brains to explode - *especially* if they kiss, because good lord, those two men can screen-kiss and have a rather similar style of hands-on-face - but we'd go happy. (Hsst. Screenwriters. You know you want to have Peter and John in theoffice being terribly nonchalant and fingering glasses of scotch. And attempting to out-stalk each other in long swishy coats.)

captain jack

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