Being a televisual recap

Mar 22, 2007 12:25

I love Ugly Betty far too much for words. Especially the evil twinnage of Mark and Amanda.

BSG? Pootling along in their screwed up fashion. :pats entire cast: Bless. And ooo, Mark Sheppard? (Badger from Firefly and things like 24 and X-Files to you) As a lawyer who... oh, the sunglasses. Mmm, the sunglasses. and a realistic Irish accent. (the one that's the soft gravelly one - it's not Belfast, that's all I know)

Rome. Oh god, show, never leave me. Pullo. Oh, Pullo. Mark Antony in eyeliner and henna/tattoos. Octavian sex scenes? :falls over in drool puddle: Also, Livia. It's nice to see that you are really intelligent and calculating under the cutesy. We approve.

End of season approaching. Thing is, I don't know if they can do a third series, since it's not as clear an arc - first one was very clearly going to end with the Ides of March, and this one was about the ascent and then dissolving of the Second Triumvirate with Octavian winning. The third? There's not exactly a 'big event' that's known by general public about Augustus' reign and he was rather long-lived. It's not like you could suddenly jump to Tiberius and then Caligula - not to mention the sheer aging and so on you'd have to do of the main cast. Plus? Caligula and Claudius are descended from Livia's *other* kid (the one who was born about four days pre-her marriage to Octavian, rumoured to be Octavian's but really, really not since he didn't actually meet her until she was a good couple of months preggers with said sprog), who married Octavia and Antony's daughter, and the series has only mentioned Tiberius (not to mention Caligula's mum is Julia and Agrippa's kid - Julia being Augustus' kid from his first marriage - the Julio-Claudian family tree is *guaranteed* to give you a headache). Rome, I love you but your trimming of all the kids means you've kind of shot yourself in the foot for the production of future Caesars.

Saw the first ep of Miss Match. Whose pitch was so very clearly 'Clueless grown up'. Alicia Silverstone has irritated me in everything except Clueless, but since she's quite clearly playing Cher (seriously, second gen lawyer daddy's girl with a thing for matchmaking and clothes?), this is actually enjoyable. Complete fluff, but fun fluff.

Still not got round to watching the SG-1. It lurks in my downloads folder. I think at this rate I'll be watching my shiny new dvds before I do. And possibly even the entire season of Dr Who before I watch SG-1. Reminds me, need to watch S3 Entourage before new eps start.

historical, tv in general, tv: rome, tv: bsg

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