A blast from the past.

Feb 10, 2008 05:30

So I just woke up from a dream based on an old Vampire the Masquerade IRC RPG I used to play in religiously.

I did a quick search, and thanks to the interweb, there are still precious traces of it left from it's presence when I first started playing in it nearly 10 years ago.

It was a massive rpg so there were lots of players, but I found old broken webpage with lots of text from the game's newspaper that was updated for the sake of plot.

The only page that came up with a google search was a front page article featuring a plot hook centered around one of my characters with the not-so-imaginative name... "Miller".


Around the wee hours of March 26, a high speed chase ensued through the streets of Paris leaving behind 5 people injured, police cruisers damaged, numerous cars destroyed, and a decimated Cafe Le'Sho.

Paris Officials state the incident began at an undisclosed intersection shortly after 1AM whenever 2 drivers had an exchange of words and broke into a horrible bout' of road rage. Of the two vehicles, a white Mitsubishi Eclipse, and what police state to be a black vintage 68' model Barracuda, only the driver of the Eclipse was apprehended after loosing control of his vehicle and crashing into a local Cafe. Nobody was seriously injured.

Approximately 1 1/2 mile away, the driver of the Barracuda darted through a red light at a busy intersection, causing a 4 car pileup from which one of the vehicles shortly thereafter erupted into flames and exploded. Again, there were no serious injuries.

Authorities were not able to apprehend the person now being referred to as "The Barracuda Man."

Police state the "Barracuda Man" may be suffering from a "split-personality" affliction, and possibly even schizophrenia. He should not be approached by civilians. His vehicle is rather unique and should be easy to spot. If you have any information on this incident, or anyone fitting this description, (insert image of Miller here), please contact the authorities immediately.

Said character was rather quickly killed off after he was finally caught, but it if my memories serve me right, it took the vampyric hunters almost a week to finally catch him because catching him in a car chase was nearly impossible, and he almost never left his vehicles. I believe he was finally taken down insurgent style by someone setting a trap and using a rocket launcher of sort to take him out so he would stop drawing so much attention to the vampire community.

Either way, it was a pretty dumb concept even though I re-created him for the Vampire LARP from a few years ago with a different concept.

And now it's time for more sleep. Because I'm still sleepy.
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