I visited UNF last weekend. Without going into detail, it doesn't looking promising as a place I want to spend the next 5 years of my life. That and it doesn't offer the doctorite program I want, so you know... And yes I said FIVE years, so you'll soon be calling me Dr. McShane. ok? awesome. And no not a medical doctor. I will be examining your
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I don't think I'm going to the show. I mean as much as I want to, I don't want to pay that much for one band and I don't even really like the main band... God, UCF turned me into such a penny pincher. I won't spend money on anything because I'm afraid when I move again I won't have any money to spend. haha. I know, warped thinking.
As for the pastry guy...who would give up free pastries?! haha. I sure as hell wouldn't. But yeah, 30 is old...really old.
And yay for using your over 18 privledges(sp?!). Just don't get hooked ;)
And yay for piercings! Do you want your industrial on the same ear that you have your rook or the other one? My industrial fnally doesn't hurt ANYMORE...it's been...uhhh...almost 7 months. Takes a long time, but I'm ready for more pain! :)
And why does he only have 4 fingers on his hand? haha
I'll stick with Tony. He puts my mind at ease.
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