
Feb 24, 2004 22:21

I visited UNF last weekend. Without going into detail, it doesn't looking promising as a place I want to spend the next 5 years of my life. That and it doesn't offer the doctorite program I want, so you know... And yes I said FIVE years, so you'll soon be calling me Dr. McShane. ok? awesome. And no not a medical doctor. I will be examining your mental state. Yes. fun. Done.

I'm tired of going to school 20 hours a week, but I'm doing really well because I know I have to and that is good. Yay for boosting a low GPA!

See, I sit here and have nothing to type so I just ramble about nonsense or things that have been heard a bagillion times.

My stomach is no longer infected. WOO! That H2Ocean stuff works like a charm and it sure saves time! *thumbs up*

The end of the Senses Fail song "bite to break skin" makes me want to smash something....or throw knives...like at the circus...where they throw knives at the people with the balloons around them and everyone goes "oohhhh" and "aahhhhh"

Everyone I know is going to the show at Bayfront on Monday. I kind of wish I was going, but LOGICALLY it doesn't make sense for me to blow the money that I could spend on a concert or hotel when I REALLY want to see a different show somewhere far away (ROAD TRIP!), if that makes sense.

I haven't seen Finch in over a year. January 2003 was the last time. One of the best nights of my life. *sigh*

I almost got in an accident the other day. Seriously. A huge truck nearly hit me.(How big can a fucking car get?!!!!!) If he had hit me I probably would be seriously injured or dead(but I don't like to think about that) cause he was headed straight for the side of my car where I had to be sitting. Asshole. Then I proceded to cry because I have a huge fear of dying in a car accident. I'm not sure why, but I mean I get really nervous when I drive on the interstate with trucks. Just ask Steph. I freak sometimes.

The "queer eye for the straight guy" that was on tonight made me cry. Yeah, the dude proposed to his gf and she got all emotional and then the gay men started getting teary eyed and before I knew it I was crying. Pathetic. I know.

For the 100th time, I want a bf, but unfortunatly my standards are still so high that having one in the near future is slim to none. I have issues. I mean, I've pretty much had one major crush for the past...uhhh...3 years? God I have problems. And I'm still nowhere with that because I am absolutely twitterpated by him and I can't even speak. *sigh* I'm such a dork. That and I don't know how to read what he says to me or when he randomly kicks me? I mean what do you read in that?! Yeah, don't give me advie. Just let me pine away in my mind until it's too late and for the rest of my life I'll wonder what could have happened if I wasn't such a freak. ha.

I've done pilates for the past 4 days and my ass is killing me. I also can barely feel the backs of my arms. God, I used to be able to go through a workout of that and be all refreshed. Now I just ache. My treadmill finally got fixed so I can run at home instead of having to drive to the gym everyday. I'll still go to the gym though because I love the crossramp thingy, even though I hate the room because it's surrounded by mirrors so you see your sweaty disgusting self the entire time. Who's crackhead idea was that?

There are 2 girls in my wellness AND biology class that act so immature and I want to strangle them. I remember them from high school but I don't know them. They are just annoying. See also: I DESPISE THE HIGH SCHOOL TRAFFIC AT 2:00!!!!!!

See also: LJ Ian makes me happier with every entry he makes, but the one about being in love with his english teacher is by far the greatest thing I've ever read. He should write a book. I would buy it in a heartbeat. He has a way with words that just amazes me and makes me laugh.

I've been having reoccuring dreams (or should I say nightmares) about being married, having kids, and being happy. It scares me.

I really don't like my bio class. It's long, boring, and he keeps us late these days. Ok, so he keeps us until 12:50 when the class is SUPPOSED to get out, but a 2 hour class is just TOO DAMN LONG. Especially a biology one when your hand NEVER STOPS WRITING....EVER.

I want to get my rook pierced in the side of my ear with my indistrial bar, but I PROMISED myself I wouldn't do anything until at least spring break when Erin's friend Sara might come because she's dying to go in a piercing place and see me get pierced. Haha. She's funny and defends my crazy antics. She also has the only tape in existence of me dancing to britney spears and "growling" to Vile Valo. Please don't ask.

People can post anonymously now becauase I'm becoming nicer. Just know, you'll be screened if you do so dare to comment. Mwahahahahaha.

PS: Someone buy me some new pants. I need to get out of my jeans rut. Forrealz.
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