When I go quiet, I go quiet for ages! Here we go. A bunch of Ben Barnes icontest and Merlin Lims entries. I also had a header that I made for a round at
merlinlims and since its just sitting here I figured I'd share in case anyone wants it. :)
And taking center stage is my latest love: Kpop sensations, SS501, in all their angelic glory. ;) Their new album is incredible and if you aren't a fan yet,
GO CHECK OUT THIS AMAZING BAND! I've also added a bunch of animated icons/and GIFs of SS501's Kim Hyun Joong. He's so beautiful its hard not to icon him. ;)
01-06: Ben Barnes
07-17: BBC's Merlin
18-19: 2 Merlin Headers (with/without rounded corners)
20-39: SS501: Reg Edition album jacket "Angel shoot"
40-49: Kim Hyun Joong: Various CFs (stills and animated)
50-53: Kim Hyun Joong: Animated GIFs (various CFs: Samsung "why not", Samsung card, Hotsun Chicken)
Ben Barnes (entries from
BBC's Merlin (entries from
Merlin Header; 2 variations: one with rounded corners, one without (click for full size)
SS501 (Destination mini album: reg edition album jackets)
Kim Hyun Joong (Assorted CFs: stills and animated)
Kim Hyun Joong Animations (click on them for full size)
- Animated GIFs are shown in thumbnail view so click on them individually to see full size!
- I've kept them reasonably sized but light enough for you to use on your user profiles, sidebars, LJ posts or wherever you choose.
-If animations look twitchy (like they only have 2 or 3 frames) then the page hasn't loaded properly. Re-load or open animation separately in another window.
- Save them to your hard disk and then upload to your own server or photobucket/tiny pic/other image hosting account.
Image Credits:
Album Jacket scans | All caps for animations made by me.
Do not alter/edit my graphics (textless icons are not bases) or hotlink (save to your own PC, photobucket or server).
Comments are a world of ♥, credit is nice. Nominations are welcome.
Enjoy ♥ and feel free to Join or Watch the comm for updates.