virtue & moir, davis & white (animated icons & animated GIFs)

Apr 23, 2010 16:57

I had meant to post these soon after the Olympics but my final Uni exams and thesis pretty much put a stop to that. Thank you to all the comm members/watchers for being patient and also to the new folks who have joined. :) ♥ *flowers*

Now on to the Virtue/Moir I ♥ these two. :D And there's a special appearance in the GIF section: their training buddies, Meryl Davis and Charlie White. ;)

01-11: Animated icons: Virtue & Moir [Vancouver 2010 Olympics (FD & CD), practice sessions, promos/adverts]
12-31: animated GIFs [Virtue/Moir's FD & CD; Davis/White OD]


Virtue/Moir (2010 Olympics, promos/fluff, practice sessions)




ANIMATED GIFs (please click on individual thumbnails to see full size)

Virtue & Moir









Davis & White




- Animated GIFs are shown in thumbnail view so click on them individually to see full size!
- I've kept them reasonably sized but light enough for you to use on your user profiles, sidebars, LJ posts or wherever you choose.
-If animations look twitchy (like they only have 2 or 3 frames) then the page hasn't loaded properly. Re-load or open animation separately in another window. Gimme a shout if you have any probs. :)
- Save them to your hard disk and then upload to your own server or photobucket/tiny pic/other image hosting account. So far my members/watchers have been wonderful and not sucked up my bandwidth. Thank you. :) I want to be able to continue making these GIFs for you lovelies. :)

Want to see more Virtue/Moir or Davis/White? Tell me in comments. I'd love to hear from you so that I can plan my next post. :)


All caps for animations made by me.
Do not alter/edit my graphics (textless icons are not bases) or hotlink (save to your own PC, photobucket or server).
Comments are a world of ♥, credit is nice. Nominations are welcome.
Enjoy ♥ and feel free to Join or Watch the comm for updates.

icons: ice dancing: davis/white, icons: ice dancing: virtue/moir, icons: animated, icons: ship: virtue/moir

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