Oct 25, 2006 00:08
Remember, folks... Garth Brooks nailed 'er in the head when he said,
"I will sail my vessel 'till the river runs dry..."
Our nation is a ship, and a bunch of white schmucks are at the wheel. Ladies and gentlemen, this particular ship is heading straight into the iceberg field of stupidity.
See? What a horrible... shit... what is it? Similie? Metaphore? How do i spell that?
Think with me here... I'll wait for some of you to catch up.
Kim Jong Il is full of shit when he says, "ooh... I'm reawry sowee about the bomb threats. Pwease wift your sanctions." You see, he is a power-mad facist who is plunging his country into the deepest poverty possible. He doesn't need our money. He can just sell stuff that blows people up to other wackos who have money. Or, he'll just trade them for interesting "blow people up" stuff that he doesn;t already posess.
Pull your head out.
Know what's really screwed-up? In my mind's eye, Kim Jong Il speaks in broken asian-man english. Know why? I learned who Kim Jong Il is from Team America: World Police. America wants us DUMB... if we want to learn about important political leaders, we've gotta turn to the creators of South Park.
What is more confounding? The english which Kim speaks in my mind is actually more intelligent than the crap spewing from the mouths of America's youth. You see, kids don't need to finish real school. While kids in Japan are learning to perorm brain surgery during grade two, American kids get to take welding school and mechanic classes. HUH? If normal education does not work, kids get to either go to school at a correctional facility (great place to learn how to eff people over) or go to a trade school of some sort.
You see, nothing is better than a well-trained workforce. Especially when this workforce can be conned into taking bullets to the chest and IEDs to the torsoes for less than minimum wage and the promise of an education they could have never afforded otherwise which will not be put into use as they are not provided with any type of de-brainwashing for their integration to society after spending years as killing machines.
Killers don't go to college. They get drunk and beat their wives. They have lots of kids. They vote for rich white guys who will send our sons to pointess wars. They want blood. Their children do not need an education. They need to count to three and throw a grenade. They need to know how to shoot to kill and weld the holes in their bomb shelters shut.
We've gotta win, and we don't even know what we're fighting.
The guys at the wheel wants big, dumb, mechanically apt cannon fodder so we can clobber those around us who would out-think or out-capitalize their way into our position on top of the manure pile.
..."I will sail my vessel 'till the river runs dry"
All you big, dumb white folks have heard it. Maybe you sing along. We gotta keep sailing. Till there is no river left for us to screw-over.
The Natives of our land would paddle on these rivers. They had brown skin. We clobbered the shit out of them.
The main reason was that one of them pointed out something which we white folks took offence to: in order to achieve the best results, you don't use sails on a river... you row or paddle on it.
Don't critize Garth Brooks, Injun'...