I have had A Week. I'm still recovering from getting so little sleep last Monday when we were camping, so the first couple of days at work consisted of me at full zombie. On thursday, my parents went out of town and left me to watch the cats, who were extremely put out by the way I didn't get home from work until midnight. They have a schedule, and I broke it so hard. Thursday night was also full of excitingly creepy noises, partly side effects of living in a 50 year old house, and partly because the oak trees have been hurling their acorns down with great force on the deck. I swear, it's like they have some kind of grudge.
Friday netted me Peter to keep me company and make the house exponentially less creepy by his mere presence, and we caught a bit of a contra dance over at NCSU. There are always lots of beginners at State, so the dancing wasn't necessarily terribly smooth (plenty of learning experiences for the students, like "Don't grip my thumb so tightly, because it will try to bend in a way nature never intended when I move, which I will," and refusing to be swung at high speed by complete strangers--that one seemed baffled by not being able to fling me round as fast as he wanted). The band, however, was quite good. Final verdict: totally worth it. I'm at least young and limber enough to generally go uninjured by someone else's poor technique or heavy grip, so they might as well learn not to do something with me instead of learning it by actually hurting someone.
Yesterday was mostly more work, which was hell. We were incredibly busy for the first 3.5 hours, then totally dead with intermittent frantic surges. So it was pretty much nothing to do, or more people wanting things than a staff of three could really address at the same time. One difficult customer who I managed to get passed off to me before my coworker exploded. I just cheerful-perky'd my way through the rest of his sale while pretending not to notice how incredibly rude he was being.
(Dear Sir:
I did indeed notice you being a grumpy bastard and wanting to open all six copies of the new Thor #1 to check them for damages yourself. They're bagged, boarded, and sealed before they hit the store for a reason, and I will remember your face. Good luck getting anything other than cursory service from me or either of my Saturday coworkers in the future. Better yet, don't come back. We don't need your shit.
Not even the tiniest scrap of fake friendliness,
Today was actually pretty good. Peter and I got lunch and went for a walk on the Eno. We got to see a water snake eating a catfish three times as wide as it was before we even got to the ford, followed a Great Blue Heron up the river for several minutes (I'm really deeply fond of and fascinated by herons--and other wading birds, for that matter. They're just so... something), and ended up crossing the river via a series of rocks and having an adventure finding the path on the other side before crossing back on different rocks. That was a first for me! Not something I would feel confident about doing without Peter along to help and encourage, but I did it, and only got one foot wet at the very end of our second crossing.
Aaaaand now I'm home, waiting on laundry and trying not to fall asleep.
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