Ok ok...I know i know.."Zack how come you haven't updated?" Beacuse im lasy..lmao..Anywhoo i don't know what the real reason is but i don know this...The stress is lifting! the show is going to be such a huge thing...so far there are 17 count em 17 bands! i am so fuckin stoked...
And BTW its at Solid SOund Studios at 2p.m. june 6th 7$ at the door...here's the bands...
The Pc Tyrants
Where is Monday
Carter beat the devil
Five Cent Wish
Chords of the reckless
Starting over
Handgun Romance
23 skadoo
Agent under fire
Never In Red
Last Autumn Burning (W00t w00t)
Chesspiece Battlefield
No luck
and 2 other bands....
This is going to be one rad show....But anywhoo now that that is over with ill be posting more and all that jazz....And being the web cam whore that i am i took 2 really REALLY emo pics last night...here they are...
also i got some new furniture and its all black..w00t w00t its all so snazzy..But yeah im gunna go so ttyl and holla!!! oh and Shout out to my new friend CASEY!!!! ^_^