(no subject)

Apr 29, 2011 02:28

So a long time ago I showed a list of movies I was planning to rent. dmajohnson requested I post my views on the following movies:

The Hurt Locker
The Sky Crawlers

I promptly forgot about that until now so let's go I guess? (I rant a lot about Sky Crawlers so I left it last)


I really liked up. Anything with Ed Asner is great and the movie is quite touching. I don't get why people say the movie is "depressing" considering Carl gets his life together and is happy and he unknowingly does get his house to Angel Falls.


Another charming film that has high quality animation by Studio Ghibli. I do feel it's one of Miyazaki's weaker films. There doesn't seem to be much of a plot going on here but rather just a little adventure by a goldfish princess to the surface. A "Little Mermaid-lite" if you will.

The Hurt Locker

I think the acting in this movie is great and the character interaction and setting depiction are also good but I'm a military nerd and all the inaccuracies bug the fucken hell out of me. And the entire ending sequence should NOT have happened if a little common sense was applied.

The Sky Crawlers

I really like planes. Like.... A LOT! I'm even in an RP group where we are all mercenary Jet pilots and I just bought a second joystick so I can access the more advanced features of the A-10C in DCS A-10 Warthog on my PC.

I like planes. I like plane movies. And I like planes shooting at each other.

The movie does a really good job of depicting planes shooting at each other. The aerial dogfighting scenes are great and look awesome. Too bad there isn't enough of them.

Most of the movie is taken up by the typically convoluted Japanese anti war message that's shoved down your throat with the subtlety of an unlubricated dick.

Let me see if I can make sense of this: War has been outlawed between nations but the public still yearns for bloodshed. Instead of going the good old gladiator route, huge corporations spring up to provide war for the masses but OH NO! no one wants to die for the amusement of other people so they get combat clones called "Kildren" that are bioengineered to never age past adolescence. Why do they not age? So the directors can create some hamfisted "loss of innocence" analogy and for no other reason, though there is a great scene where the "little sister" of one of the kildren is actually her mother but she doesn't know how to say it. Apparently, this Kildren was knocked up by "The Teacher", a legendary ace on the opposing side, but it's revealed that "Teacher" is a normal fully grown man and that would be reprehensible if he wasn't like the 4th pedophile in the movie. Also, if this "Teacher" dude is so awesome it proves the ability of fully grown people over these Kildren so WHY THE FUCK NOT do like that the Jedi did in Star Wars Episode II and ACCELERATE the growth of these disposable soldiers so they get to adulthood faster and achieve ultimate combat efficiency?

Oh god, I'm actually citing Star Wars Episode II as an example on how to make a plot more coherent. Confound these animes, they drive me to drink.

There you go Dale. Enjoy.


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