Oct 31, 2012 15:45
Things in my house became very intense a few days ago. Basically it came down to this. Tim wanted to have a family discussion. I did not. He said things for me, in the wrong way. But I refused to get involved. Instead I made a post on Facebook describing how Tim made me feel. Well his parents saw it. And rather then come talk to me calmly about it his dad came banging on the bedroom door and yelled at me for it. And when I tried to tell him "It has nothing to do with that." He didn't listen and proceeded to yell at me how it was wrong of me to make him and his family look like villains on a public forum. Problem, I never mentioned and names and if he had listened he would have heard me say it wasn't about him. Now Tim's dad is a big guy. I have a huge problem thanks to my past when it comes to people becoming violent with me. So needless to say I was scared shitless.
I wanted to go home after that. I don't want to live in a house where I am afraid. Well after talking to my parents and calming down I decided to talk to Tim's mom. She understood where I was coming from. But didn't fully understand just how afraid I am now of her husband. I don't even want to be in the same room with him. I'm legit that scared. To make things worse she tells me, "If going to FL for a week will help make you feel better we will get you on a plane.....but the baby stays here."........what? Since when do others dictate my daughters life? The reason? Because she thinks if I go to FL with my daughter then we won't come back. Fair enough to be afraid of that. But last I checked I am her legal parent and if I want to take her out of state I damn well can.
I feel like I'm being told I'm not allowed to feel the way I do. And if I do feel this way then I'm not allowed to discuss it with anyone. What am I supposed to do with all of this? What if Tim and I break up? Is my daughter not allowed to come back to FL with me? I feel like I'm being politely threatened into staying here. What can I do? I need help and soon. I want what i best for my daughter. I don't want to take her away from her father. Tim is amazing with her. But what am I supposed to do when Tim feels the same as his parents about all of this? I just want to stay in bed and cry all day. I'm not happy. I'm so depressed I can't eat much. What I do eat usually gets thrown up later. I'm down to 109lbs. Im not healthy. What can I do? Someone please help me here. I don't know what to to. Right now I feel like my only option is to stay here and just change myself to what everyone wants. Pretend I'm happy, just so I can keep my daughter.
shattered dreams,
the coward called me,