(no subject)

Oct 27, 2004 19:34

im sitting here listening to some crazy mix haha.  past couple days been okay.  the grading period is unwinding and im finding that ma grades rnt that bad.  hopefully when the mail comes and ma report card falls out of the batch its got nice big A's & B's!

im waiting for the moment that i run into you.  the look in ur eyes making me forget everything i was suppose to do.  change my future and fall in love without a doubt or a single question or regret.  where i loose every thought of hate and love for ne thing else where i just open my heart and throw out the past and forget.  im waiting for the morning i wake up smiling with love piling and not caring why or ne thing.  open ur arms and let me in.  before my life turns thin and i put the end to everythin.  ill be your umbrella on a rainy day.  ill be your reminder when u forget.  ill be there when u dnt give a shit to help u not regret and just forget.  the repetition in this petition gettin signatures for your permission to make this sercret mission into ur life.

wow!  sry im like freakin out right now.  when i listen to really good music.  ma mind just starts writing lol.

this weekend, supose to be 2 parties but only 1 will prolly happen.  ummm, i guess ill ttel, pce.
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