Title: Elixir
Hanna is not a Boy's NameCharacters: Worth, Lamont
Rating: PG
Warnings: It's Worth, so there's obviously some swearing
Word Count: 65
Notes: Written for
One Word - sixty seconds with a one word prompt. It's not much and it should probably be expanded on later and could be a lot better, but whatever.
Disclaimer: Hanna is Not a Boy's Name is © Tessa Stone. I'm just playing with the characters.
"Hey, what's this one for?" Worth asked Lamont, eyeing a small box that Lamont had left on top of a stack of other boxes that were decidedly not intended as part of Worth's delivery.
"Not for you," Lamont told him.
Worth opened the box anyway.
"Elixir? Who the fuck still..."
"...and that's enough," Lamont interrupted, snatching the bottle back from Worth and gingerly returning it to its box.