Slayer Nights Backstory Post #2

Jun 30, 2004 13:20

The night that Jonathan died, Warren and I had been up all night doing drugs.

That's plural, too, friends. Drugs. Like, more than "drug." We started off celebrating with Cristal toasts because we'd finished the remodeling on the Master Bedroom, and moved into it together. Jonathan hung out long enough for a toast, but only had a couple sips of non-alcoholic cider. "Lite" cider at that. His diet allowed him very little calories, and it was going pretty well for him, so he wanted to adhere to it. He looked exactly the same as he had a month ago, but... whatever. He felt more confident.

He had a date that night that I knew about. Warren didn't know about it, because Jonathan asked me not to tell him. He was embarrassed because it wasn't a girl off Nerve or from the personals, but from the gameverse. Like, he met her while playing the game we invented, got to know her, found out she lived in Sunnydale too and ... just asked her out. I was proud of him and wanted to tell Warren how awesome it was that we created this great game that was bringing people together, but, I didn't. Warren had been so busy with the stock market and the moving into our new room... plus, he'd been kinda surly to Jonathan as of late. So it was easy to keep it a secret.

"Why you all dressed up, Sparky?" Warren said, pouring me another glass of champagne. "Got a hot night of playing internet-based roleplaying games?" His laugh was cruel, even to my ears. It must have been brutal to Jonathan's.

"Oh, I've just got a... thing later. And, I bought these pants today and wanted to try them on. No big. Just... you know, felt like dressing good..." Jonathan paled a little and set down his glass. He glanced at me and frowned. "But, I'll leave you two to your evening. Third-wheels suck and all--"

"Do they ever!" Warren snickered and handed me my glass. Jonathan and I watched silently as he took his coke tin out of his back pocket and scooped some out onto the mirror that he used for ... you know, the purpose. "All right, gentleman... and Andrew. Let's get this party started!" He raised his eyebrows and nodded towards the mirror, "Andrew, babe. You wanna go first?"

If I went first -- even at Warren's suggestion -- he'd get all bitchy later on, saying I was being greedy. I shook my head and smiled shyly. "No, Warren, you go ahead. You bought it."

"We bought it, actually. The three of us. With the money that our company raked in for Q'2 profitsharing. Jonathan... how about you? Or are you still too good for drugs?"

Jonathan started backing away slowly, and forced a laugh, "Naw, Warren, it's not that. I just... you know, the deviated septum thing... the coke really, really hurts. I can't do that shit anymore."

"Whatever floats your boat, shortstuff. Have fun on your dork-date," Warren said, dismissing him with a wave of his royal hand. He rolled up a $50 that he'd taken from his wallet and leaned over the mirror that he'd aligned several lines of coke on. He briefly paused, and glanced back up at me, "Andrew, do you happen to have a hundred on you? The bigger the denomination, the better the coke goes down, you know? That's what Giancarlo told me, anyway. And he should know. He used to deal to Charlie Sheen, you know that?"

I shook my head and Warren shrugged, bending back down to the mirror and drawing heavily through his right nostril. I sighed as I watched Jonathan take the opportunity to leave. I remember hoping that he'd have a nice time with the girl -- Joelly? Joelle? Something like that. Maybe they'd really hit it off and she'd let him kiss her on the front porch of her condo, or something.

After a line for each nostril, Warren straightened up and handed me the $50. He clapped his hand on my shoulder and pulled me over to the vanity in the center of our room that he was currently doing coke on. Oh, I didn't really want to do coke. I'd rather just move onto the ecstacy. I liked ecstasy. My body always felt electric on X. Cocaine just made me feel jumpy.

"Peer pressure much, Warren?! Jesus. I'm going to do it. Stop pushing!" I snapped, rolling my shoulder out from under his hand. He pursed his lips and moved his hand to the middle of my back.

He rubbed and patted comfortingly, and murmed to me, "Ssssh... Andrew. It's okay. I just want us to have fun. Do the coke, I'll put on the music. When you come down from these lines, we'll drop the X. Okay? We can go out later, if you want. Or take a nice bath?"

When he was kissing my ass, he seemed so sweet. So charming. Plus, taking a bath with him on ecstacy sounded really, really hot.

"Okay," I agreed, starting to cheer up a little. I bent over and hoovered the coke. The bitter dust flooded into my head and I felt my blood spark to life. Maybe someday Warren and I could experiment with coke on our skin during sex. I heard it makes everything kind of numb, but in a good way. Hrm. Numb.

I hardly noticed that Jonathan had left, aside from a fleeting thought: What did Warren say? 'Dork-date' or something? How did he know that Jonathan was going on a blind date with a gamer girl? Was that weird?

That thought was gone before I could fully question it, as I felt Warren's hands at my bent-over waist.

I stood up and turned to face him, wiping at my nose-holes. Ow. Stinging. Doing cocaine made my eyes water. Warren took my hand away from my face and put it at dick-level on his pants.

"Hee hee... is that where you're keeping the ecstacy, Warren?" I said, batting my eyelashes coquettishly. I sank to my knees and began to unbuckle his belt.

"Mmmmm... fuck yeah. That's where I keep it..." He abruptly inhaled, though, and took a step back. I looked up at him, wondering if I'd done something wrong. "Not yet. Let's wait until these kick in."

He dangled his hand above my upturned face and I saw that he was actually holding a pill between his thumb and index finger. He lowered it towards my mouth slowly and I opened up wide. It was like taking the sacrement, except instead of being holy, it was evil, evil goodness.

I swallowed the pill dryly and twisted back to my feet, reaching for my champagne. Ugh. More disgusting drug flavors. I tried to comfort my sick feeling by the knowledge that I'd soon be higher than a kite, and totally naked with Warren. Oh my god. I felt like the luckiest boy in the world. I was totally getting it on with my former Dungeon Master! We were all rich and powerful and creative! It wasn't the drugs talking either. I mean, a little. But, seriously, I just felt like I could do anything. Anything!

"Be a peach, would you, Andrew? Put some music on and I'll get us some bottles of water for later," Warren tweaked my nipple through my shirt and smiled.

Yeah, I remember thinking, I could do anything. And what I wanted to do, right then, was put some music on.
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