[OOC] Threadlist

Mar 03, 2014 01:03

[game] beyondtherift
In which Peter and Neal fall through a rift into an alternate Chicago, eventually to be joined by a Sara from two years earlier than them, and then an Elizabeth from four years earlier.

  1. Peter finds himself unexpectedly in Chicago.
  2. Fourth of July at Navy Pier. Peter is homesick, Neal has coffee, and there are plans to go exploring.
  3. Strange things start happening at the Kashtta Tower, sleep is distrupted, and Peter is not sure how to deal with an overtired Scout. [House of Roderick plot.]
  4. Chicago is forcing people to be more honest than they want to be, and Peter and Neal have an awkward conversation over the journals that solves nothing.
  5. Sara Ellis falls through a rift. Peter is really bad at the welcome to Chicago talk, and mismatched timelines don't increase anybody's love for Chicago.
  6. The Kashtta is still unsettling, and Peter and Neal have no idea how lucky they are that they can't sleep. [House of Roderick plot.]
  7. Elizabeth wanders through a Rift and finds herself in Chicago. Peter's life is suddenly a hundred times better, even if she's from four years ago and trying to adjust.
  8. Peter, El and Neal are in Grant Park, being incredibly adorable. Without coffee.
  9. A teenage demon is being chased by a monster. Peter saves her.
  10. Peter's Rift-induced distance restrictions cause a mildly embarrassing moment one morning.
  11. El gets retinal KA and is trying to deal with it. Peter is not leaving her side.
  12. El is throwing a party, the Rift makes it fancy, and Peter is being stalked by a horse. He also runs into a temporarily mute Neal. [Rift Tales plot.]
  13. The Rift has made Peter act like a Disney prince for a week. This includes fighting a dragon that falls through the Rift. [Rift Tales plot.]
  14. Peter's week of princedom comes to a close with the discovery that the horse stalking him has been Scarlett. [Rift Tales plot.]

[verse] Canon/Openverse
Anything falling into canon, or that generally takes place without deviating from canon. SWS and the like will likely fall into here.

  • Forthcoming.

[verse] Faeverse
In which Peter is stolen by the faeries, Neal and El get him back, Neal deals with the fae to try to get back all the things Peter bargained away, and nobody is ever really the same again. With nosecretmeaning and smileforaliving. Peter/Elizabeth/Neal. Post-canon. Entire verse carries possible trigger warnings for injury/mentions of violence (non-graphic) and a general sense of 'if people losing themselves and going slightly insane bothers you, do not read this'.

  1. Neal comes home from Faerie, and Peter's there with him. Set fairly early.
  2. Neal comes home, and then there's a hospital.
  3. Neal comes home and things aren't well. Peter and Elizabeth decide to try and talk him into stopping. Set fairly late.
  4. Peter and Elizabeth try to talk Neal into stopping. Neal's not hearing it.
  5. Neal ends up in jail. Peter comes to get him out.

[verse] Magicalverse
In which Neal can talk to objects, people are compelled to tell the truth around Elizabeth, and Peter is an incredibly awkward empath. With nosecretmeaning and smileforaliving. Peter/Elizabeth/Neal (eventually?). AU, during and post-canon.

  1. Neal is having a bad day, and Peter still finds it weird that Neal talks to his house.

[verse] Multipleverse
In which Neal is a multiple, and Peter and Elizabeth fail at understanding but at least try. With nosecretmeaning and smileforaliving. Peter/Elizabeth/Neal. Post-canon.

  1. Neal tells Peter that he's multiple. It is not a good reaction.
  2. Neal comes back after the Burkes have time to adjust. There is awkward conversation and cute banter, and then lots of questions over dinner.
  3. More questions, this time from Neal as well as Peter and El. In which there is lots of discussion of Peter and Elizabeth's relationship alongside the multiple discussion.
  4. Peter and Elizabeth meet Nick properly.

[verse] OT3verse
In which Peter, Elizabeth and Neal are adorable, and there is no real plot. With nosecretmeaning and smileforaliving. Peter/Elizabeth/Neal (if the title didn't give it away). Post-canon.

  1. Lazy day in the Burke household with Peter, Elizabeth and Neal.

[verse] Polyverse
In which everybody is a giant poly family and everything is happy forever. With nosecretmeaning, smileforaliving, and others with no journals. Peter/Elizabeth/Jones/Diana/Neal/Alex/Mozzie/Sara in various combinations. Hughes/June. Mildly AU throughout canon, goes completely AU as of the end of season two.

  1. Forthcoming.

[verse] Stigmataverse
In which Neal gets stigmata, and Peter and Elizabeth don't believe that Neal is getting stigmata. With nosecretmeaning and smileforaliving. Peter/Elizabeth/Neal. Post-canon.

  1. Neal is in the hospital, and Peter and Elizabeth don't know what happened. Wherein Neal is drugged, and Peter and Elizabeth have no idea what to believe. [Possible trigger warnings: Drugged character, non-graphic discussion of self-injury.]
  2. Peter and Elizabeth come home to find Neal on their couch. This would not be odd if he wasn't supposed to be in the hospital. In which a deal is made, everybody is confused, and then Neal actually gets stigmata in front of Peter.

[|ooc] threadlist, [|ooc]

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