[Magicalverse] because obviously I don't ahve enough threads going right now]

Aug 20, 2011 04:02

It wasn't a good day.

It wasn't as bad as it could be either. He's had things gang up on him much more than they did today, but he wo9ke up with a headache and they spent more time on the street than he wanted.

The office didn't help. The office didn't help, the coffee maker didn't help, the records didn't help. Everything was insisting on being so, so loud He doesn't know why, can't imagine what got everything into such a fuss but he couldn't deal with it. He tried, he failed, he cut his losses.

So he split.

The trip home wasn't amazing but the taxi he got was shy and things didn't quite scream at him so much before he got into the house. He's not complaining.

So now he's on the couch, his eyes closed and his body finally starting to lose some of the tension. The house is near by, he can hear her moving but he doesn't mind. She's quiet in her way and knows he's not feeling well, so she doesn't bother him. Satchmo keeps snuffling at his hand but he doens't much mind that either. At least he's not barking.
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