Jan 27, 2005 21:30
Let me first say that 2004 rocked simply because of the Killers and Napoleon Dynamite. They're awesome like Napoleon's brown suit.
Now that that's outta the way. Where do I start? I have been an unbelievable shit and haven't posted since December fucking 23rd. Hardly a record for me, but still. I suck. I have been a troll though. So I kinda know what's going on, or maybe I just think I do.
What's going on with me? Mother, sister and sister's Latino other half are all in my house. Have been since the week after Thanksgiving. Mom has had a tough time finding work here, she's applied everywhere that she would make a decent living at and it's been a no-go. Sister hangs around sleeping mostly when she's not bitching at Latino other half. Latino other half (otherwise known as Armando) is way cool. Much cooler, in fact, than my sister. He works, got a job like the 3rd day they were here, in fact, he had two full-time jobs. But then there was a mix-up and he lost one of them. He cooks, cleans, mows my damn lawn. He even hung up my Christmas lights. We never ask him to do any of this stuff, he just does it. I like him bunches. Plus, whenever I have a hostess for one of my Premier shows that doesn't speak English that great, he's my interpreter. He rocks socks. I think I'll keep him. The sister can go. She farts all the time anyway.
I started my Japanese lessons on the 17th. They are way fun. I actually left my first class able to say a lot more than I thought I would. My teacher's name is Taeko and she's just too cute for words. Teeny tiny little thing. She's awesome. The classes are awesome. I really like it, can you tell?
Still doing aerobics 2X a week. Not losing any weight though I have lost cellulite. I didn't have much to begin with, just a little on what I call my ass-leg. You know, that little part right up under your cheek that's not really your ass, not really your leg? Well, anywho, it's going away. Which makes Manda happy. Now if I could lose 17lbs. that would be great. Kthanks. My pants cut off my circulation but I'll be damned. I will not buy bigger pants. Won't do it.
Obviously, I'm not preg-o yet. Really was hoping I would be by now. Kinda thought it would have been neat to get a zygote for Christmas, but hey. Shit happens. I go in tomorrow for a progesterone (sp?) test. Yay. I don't even really know what they are looking for on it other than it has something to with ovulation. Way to be educated Manda. Who knows. I just want to be knocked up. Funny, I spent my entire teenage years and first half of my twenties trying to avoid it, and being told that it only took "one time" for it to happen. Only, come to find out that I can fuck until my face turns blue and nada. But I'm not bitter. At least I'm getting some, Nootch.
There's so much more to say but I'm too pooped to say it. The sushi in my belly is making me sleepy tired and I must go to bed. I don't sleep enough and it's catching up with me.
Oyasumi nasai y'all.