How time flies...

Nov 25, 2011 10:02

But not because I have been having fun . Although, I should qualify that by saying I have had some fun.

First, the news on the maternal parental unit. Since July, my poor mother has been in and out of hospital 5 times and has been home for a total of 32 days only.

She was last home on the 24th of October and I went away to Georgia on the 27th. She went back into hospital the very next day having been found by the carers on the floor again.

Not that I knew about this as my asshole brother neglected to let me know and I had to find out from the cleaner and the lady who runs the restaurant on the corner where mum lives after I had been trying to contact mum for two days.

When I got home on the 8th November I had phone calls from mum asking for toiletries, new clothing, etc. So, I went to the bank with my access card for her account, obtained through the bank with Mum's permission, and the maching ate it!! Turns out my brother had been busy while I was gone, so busy he could not tell me that he cancelled cards for the account. Oh, I'm still meant to do the laundry, shopping, make the trips to the hospital and buy anything my mother may need, but without access to funds
*I have taken a 35% drop in pay this year and have no spare cash*
**Mum paid for my holiday to Georgia**

I discovered that everything of value and all of mother's permanent documents had been removed from her flat.

I was both incensed and upset that he could do this without so much as an email! Bastard!

Mum has since been transferred to a Residential home temporarily as she cannot live on her own any more with the unpredictability of the falls. I don't have a problem with this. I don't really have a problem that the family arranged for her to go live in Solihull, 2 hours from here by car, but I do have a problem with not being considered.  I even had my aunt, my mother's sister in law, questioning what on earth my mother needs for me to buy while she is in hospital! She leaves tomorrow for Solihull and I was going to visit today, but I cannot even do that because, again I did not know in advance, my brother and his wife are taking mum to look at the place she is going to stay before she goes to stay there tomorrow :-/

So, here I am...

On a good note, I had a lovely time in Georgia, meeting with Carlyn & her dogs and Adrienne & her dogs. :) Had Cheesecake at the Factory and went down a gold mine and across a civil war stockade/prison. Oh, and there was shopping *bg*

Some pics here

- still need to put some more up, though

mum; georgia

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