Aug 05, 2003 10:57
Nice weekend! It's great to get stuff done. Alan intoduced me to some korean rap and we decided to make some of our own. Now normally I don't like rap much, but it makes it easy to get a lot out of your head without having too much know-how musically. I skipped my Sunday nap which I'm starting to regret. Soooo sleepy.
I hurt my arm quite badly in jujitsu last night. It's embarrassing but I was fighting a new guy on the ground and he held on to me and pushed back. His weight and mine went on my straight arm and popped the elbow all the way forward. I could feel my forearm bones snap totally out of their socket. I thought I broke my arm but decided i didn't. Anyhow, I went to the doc and he said i can't use my right arm for at least a week. Yikes. Got some beee-uteeefuuul pain meds, but my arm hurts so much. : ( Hope I can get back into judo quickly so I can school that dude.
Oh well. But I feel so happy and I'm not sure why. (NO it's not the medecine). Leave a post and I'll write you a poem!
*as he resorts to bargaining*