Title: Babysitting Super Junior
Rating: G
Pairing: ninja! All Super Junior involved (kid!Super Junior, except Leetuek and Kangin), with minor appearances by SHINee
Genre: Crack
Summary: When Umma Leetuek and Appa Kangin decide to go on a little vacation.
Dear Key,
Thank you for agreeing to look after our little ones on such short notice. We appreciate the help
and have compiled a list of useful information that you would most probably find helpful. Seriously though, you might want to check it out before entering our house.
1. Heechul is our oldest and he likes to feel… um respected, so as much as possible just let him be.
2. Hankyung is a child we adopted from China so his Korean isn’t that good but you can always ask Heechul to translate for you.
3. Yesung likes to sing; a lot so turn on MTV once in a while and let him sing his heart out. Or he’ll get moody and that’s not a good thing.
4. Shindong is always hungry for some reason. Just make sure he gets enough to eat. Other than that he’s a really obedient child.
5. To wake Sungmin up in the morning, remove his pink bunny from his arms and he’ll wake up immediately.
6. Eunhyuk is very active but can be soothed by strawberry milk.
7. Donghae is hyper active and he will constantly tell you stories about aliens. Play along.
8. Siwon displays great interest in God. Let him be.
9. Ryeowook likes to hang out in the kitchen which can be very dangerous so convince him to sing with Yesung.
10. Kibum likes to throw fake tantrums now and then, pacify him.
11. As much as possible keep Kyuhyun away from games.
12. Remember to feed Heebum too (even though you are a babysitter), Heechul gets angry when Heebum is not well taken care of.
13. Hankyung and Sungmin have to attend martial arts lessons on Tuesdays.
14. Yesung will most probably touch your face when you sleep, do not be surprised.
15. Feed Shindong meat (preferably pork) every Sunday
16. Sungmin needs pumpkin at least once a week.
17. Avoid putting Eunhyuk and Donghae together for too long, last time they flooded the house.
18. Do not give Donghae candy.
19. Siwon has Taekwondo lessons every Saturday.
20. Ryeowook will sometimes steal make up from my dressing table. This is normal.
21. Kibum likes to read but more often than not he will encounter problems reading so he’ll bother you quite often.
22. If you want Kyuhyun to do something, ask Sungmin to do it. Kyuhyun will follow him. And Sungmin’s easier to persuade.
23. They have to watch a Disney movie every night at 8, watch with them. Oh and order in which they choose what to watch, goes by age.
Your first day here is Shindong’s turn.
24. They like sweet popcorn so make a lot. You will need a lot.
25. Heechul will sometimes dress up as a girl, do not freak out.
26. Hankyung has taught them some Chinese; you might need the pocket translator I left on the dining table.
27. Yesung will sometimes do odd things, do not let him near the window.
28. Shindong will sometimes dance with Eunhyuk and Donghae and things may get chaotic.
29. Sungmin is anemic.
30. Eunhyuk cries rather easily.
31. Donghae likes to eat seafood.
32. Bring Siwon and Kibum to a church every Sunday morning.
33. Ryeowook likes to play the piano although he only plays gibberish for now he’ll be attending courses soon.
34. Kibum does not like apples.
35. Kyuhyun is very stubborn but he will give in if you say you’ll remove his bed.
36. Bring them to the beach on weekends.
37. Play games with them every night.
38. It takes about an hour to get them all to sleep, have coffee ready.
39. They usually wake up at about 6-7 am.
40. A school bus will fetch them to kindergarten, bring them down by 9.
41. They have to play at the playground before returning home.
42. They always play with their friends who are in a group called DBSK.
43. Make sure they do their homework, especially Donghae.
44. Bring them to the park before dinner.
45. Always have cookies ready. Works best when combined with milk.
46. They love to bring stray animals home. Let them play for a while then tell them the animals belong to the wild and set them free.
47. Also remember to water the plants; they want to see the flowers bloom.
48. A friend of theirs is having a birthday party this Friday. The map is located at the back of this piece of paper.
49. Give them ice-cream on Wednesdays.
50. Bring a stress ball.
Once again thank you for agreeing to help us. We’ll buy you something nice from Japan.
Leetuek and Kangin.
Key reads and re-reads the letter. Maybe she should never have agreed to this babysitting job. She grabs her phone and dials a number.
“Onew, I need your help. Are you free this entire week?”
“No… I have to… um… do… um… something.”
“I have a date with… um Miss Chicken.”
“You are the worst liar ever you know that.”
“No? But what do you need my help for?”
“Help me take care of 11 children.”
“Me? No.”
“I’ll kill Miss Chicken.”
“You’re the worst friend ever.”
“See you tomorrow, my place. Don’t be late.”
Key hangs up.
“Wait! Hello. Hello!” Onew removes the phone from his ear. “She never told me what time to meet her. So how can I be early?”
A/N: A super bored with no determination to update my other fic me + no internet connection (until a while ago) + microsoft words = this fic. They’re all adopted. No incest in the future. Muahahaha.