In my first post here I described my rabbit Jack a 1 year old neutered male and I said we hoped to get another rabbit as a companion. Well yesterday we did :D
We went to a RSPCA 'Bunny Bonanza' they were offering free micro chipping and free health checks, so we though whilst we were there we would look to see what rabbits they had in. Me and the hubby both fell in love with Jessica but we knew it would be up to the both of them. We did a meet and greet under the supervision of Caroline (who works at the RSPCA) and she was impressed with their behaviour. Apparently when Jessica was last paired with a male she fought him, but she seemed to tolerate Jack.
So we have brought her home. At the moment Jack does chase her, to mount her, he doesn't constantly do it, but every now and then he does get a little obsessed. She has started grunting/honking but not all the time, and she thumps sometimes (much to Jack's surprise) We were told to allow the mounting and only to stop it if he mounts her head (the idiot) I have been starting to worry that Jessica wont want to bond with Jack, but as I typed this she came out from behind the chair and ran up to to Jack (just ran up to him, didn't touch) then Jack started to chase her and she runs away, is this a good thing? They do ignore each other a lot of the time, which we were told is a good thing because they don't see each other as a threat. I haven't seen any outright violence.
I've done more research since we brought her home, I was wondering if anyone had more personal experience? Any tips?
Jack is an indoor rabbit with no cage, he has a litter tray and a few favourite spots, but he doesn't seem to have a problem with Jessica being in 'his' room or 'his' tray he just doesn't like it when I stroke Jessica and not him, he comes to nudge me to get attention.
Jessica is about 2 years old and spayed