So using my new Frank icon, here's me anouncing a new community by
apoeticmindset sane_chem_fans
Please read the userinfo and and when you get to the actuall comm, read the post with the rules, if your to lazy, too bad. In fact here's the rules for the sake of making sure everyone understands. Copied from the actual post. So don't say anything about the nekid midget comment to me.
Ü no asking for personal details- screennames and whatnot, of the band, or anyone in the band.
Ü no superiority complexes here, kthanx. Feel free to discuss and debate but don't act like douches.
Ü be at least moderately sane. I don't mind fangirling (I do it myself with the ewok) but I'm sure we're all capable of acting like rational adults.
Ü friends-lock your posts please.
Ü LJ cut big pictures, or a lot of text. Please don't kill my f-list, unless you find a picture of a certain midget naked, then feel free. (HAHA)
Ü keep this alive, so people who actually have a grip on reality don't spontaneously combust. We need a refuge!