Ramblings while waiting for the bus...

May 01, 2012 01:24

It's a damn cold night. Waiting in the bus stop as I barely missed my bus..:( little things like that get me down :< waiting for the next 13 mins...
Was at ruo's place and probably massively overstayed my welcome..see have a new slang for putting on makeup: becoming human. Because I look so dead when I wake up without make up....I currently exist in the land of the dead however with my squeaky clean face~!! Look~!

Lolll shit I look so creepy I scare myself...okay 5 more mins till the bus arrives~! What can I ramble on about~?

Love ruo's cat, Pepper~!

I scare her apparently which is fair enough...D: but she is too cute~!!!! Even when she is being annoying and batting you in protest to being patted it's like: Awww
Shan was trying to teach her to sit. It was quite funny to watch. He and Ruo have both concluded that cat is stupid and thus dog's are better.

I beg to differ. Cats are much cleaner, quieter, not slobbery and like...
X1000000000000000000000000000 CUTER ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

I just wish I wasn't allergic...but I haven't reacted all day...is it possible I have outgrown my childhood allergy?!!

Yay okay I'm on the bus now..will try to study my ECG book for tmr and my case presentation... 死んじゃった…

<3 estelle

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