Brusha Brushie Toothbrush~

Feb 22, 2012 13:23

Okay. frankly, this post is going to be *quite* disgusting.
I mean very.

So take a gander at the cute pikachu and forgive me.( ...have you ever considered that Pikachu has no TEETH? SO NOT FAIR IT DOESN'T HAVE TO CLEAN IT. okay back to the post.

Okay so I discovered recently that my previous electric toothbrush grows mould inside the head.. Sorry for the bad mental image. you didn't really need to know that >=( So I chucked it with my mum and went to boots to get myself a brand new 360 electric toothbrush!

Some dental history from me:

Basically I brush my teeth morning and night, occasionally brush my tongue. have an overbite, had braces...
:( Fine so I don't floss, but I managed to warrant a root canal done last year! :(!

Evidently there is something wrong with my toothbrushing technique. I completely blame it on the primary school dentist never teaching me how to and on Pikachu. Really how can they create cartoon heroes that don't clean their teeth for us to learn from! :(!

So I went and bought a disclosing tablet along with my new toothbrush :)

Disclosing tablets are little blue tablets that you chew and spit out post toothbrushing. The stain that it leaves behind indicates where the plaque remains..
Mine was two toned, red for the new plaque and blue for old old disgusting plaque.

I actually thought I was not too bad, I mean...I've recently watched a video for "how to brush your teeth", and I do my tongue as well which is why I bought the 360 toothbrush which comes with a tongue scraper...
So it was all very well that I received a pretty big shock post tablet..
My teeth were mildly stained but I had a

BLUE=OLD PLAQUE D=!!!!!! Omg like how old must the plaque be to be sitting on my tongue!!!!! OF COURSE I DIDN'T TAKE A PHOTO OF IT I JUST SET TO WORK SCRAPING THE SHIT OUT OF IT.

...That being said if you actually plead with me to take an utterly embarrassing photo of my smurf tongue next time I brush my teeth I might.

In 80-90% of us, the bacteria in the mouth gives out compounds that cause us to have bad breath. Okay if your significant other has a breath problem you know what to do now >=(

...I think I should buy shumpei a tongue cleaner.. ^o~

Okay calming down now that I think about it. Maybe it's just the dye being the dye and dyeing my tongue blue..
You never know do you.

dental hygiene, disclosing tablets, toothbrush, colgate 360, electric toothbrush, brushing tongue

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