My perfect wedding

Dec 19, 2011 21:16

Omg omg not sure if I told you guys this but...
Shumpei gave me a ring for my birthday!? :O can I fantasize for a bit PLEASE?? :O
Oh well the ring is still firmly on my right hand and I'm not getting one on my left any time soon ;___;
but on random note! I was thinking about how I want my perfect wedding ^o^
Shumpei was like: small one with family and friends would be just fine right??

F*** you ^__^

Boys, sorry to ruin your delusions but weddings are for -girls-.
Does ANY guy in the world willingly go into the frantic frenzy that is reserved for the bride and her mother??(and mother in law..sometimes.)

You my dear sir are meant to stand there get a tux put on you and walk down the aisle like a cute puppy ^o^~

In the perfect world of me I would have a minimum of 2 weddings (to fulfill my mass delusions, sorry whoever i'm dating~ you better be riiich!) each more ostentatious than Kate Middleton's without the massive crowd~ because let's face it--aside from the celebs and awesome location, hers was pretty boring --;;;

Come on there weren't even any fireworks!!!
Which brings me to my first point!
They hold a special place in my heart because what is more fun than seeing those pretty sparkly thingies explode in the sky~??
This does of course least one wedding NOT in Singapore ^o^~ friends please start saving up :)
ideally japan or London :) since they're cheap in both countries but japan has such AMAZInG fireworks lol!! I saw a freaking happy face firework during natsumatsuri wth!!!

WEATHER. I have very recently discovered. I don't particularly like freezing cold weather. I'm not even that fond of autumn in London.
That doesn't mean I particularly fancy the weather in Singapore either--too hot and humid!!! And air-conditioning is just so...fake!!!!
Ideally! A hot spring day or a cool summer day somewhere where the air is dry like in the Mediterranean! ^o^ as for Singapore...ok I will compromise. Atop a boat in the evening with the setting sun and fireworks STILL pls! ^____^~~

Wedding DressES~ yes. I want a minimum of 2. Firstly i've decided I'm designing at least one, secondly cause i've always wanted to wear a furisode and a wedding is the only occasion to legitimately wear one now that i'm over 20!!! :'( will find other occasions but for!!! It will be my last chance too cause they are meant for the unmarried :'(...

Flower girls?????~ i've concluded that by the time I'm old enough to get married my friends won't have had kids yet. And my baby cousin who might be just nice utterly detests me and I her~ about replacing them with BUNNIES!?????? Omg I can just imagine all these cute fluffy things hopping around following my..train littered wit rabbit treats...and...pooping...


If they dare poop on my dress I will skin them alive.

On second thought a flower girl might be better cause in my wild delusions The bunnies also rampage eating up the flowers lol :(... Ellie please get married first and pop a GIRL out lol~~~

Pageboy is of course my beloved baby cousin Issac cause Jedd will be too old and he needs a bit of lipo...hope he never sees this --;;;

Bridesmaids!!! In my willddd delusions, my train is going to be bloooooody long so I want multiple ones muhahahaha...wait does this mean I have to pay for their dresses??? :wilts: mine is already going to cost me a bomb... :'(

anyway as I have evidently put alot of thought and silly delusions into this~ not all of it will happen :'( but defo bunnies..somewhere...just not part of my dress XP
What do you guys think~? what's your perfect wedding~??

Aaaand I have finished typing this just in time for my flight to take off orz...hopefully I WILL see some replies to this. I understand that I'm the only sad person who still uses LJ among my friends :'( but it's so much more private than fb which my parents are on!!!

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