Trip to hong kong :))

Sep 05, 2011 08:52

Spent 2 days in hong kong with x_reggg!!!!
<3 she is really the bestest <3 damn you autocorrect I had to type that 3 times!!!! It kept coming out as neatest !! Wth

Aniwaeeee some photos <33

Failed at eating crepes!!!! Waaayy too much cream...
And x_reggg insissssssteeeddd on snapping a shot of me like that!!!!!$! So unglam!!!! But pretty colours ^o^ and I look beaaautifulll no matter what I'm doing <3

On the peak with x_reggg the clouds were lovely!! Though it was hot. Had to pose so many times with my hat on Kay!!! Cause of the shadow on my face.. Camwhoring isn't easy man >.>

Posing with the fake train up to the peak that we did not take!!!!! Cuz we. Had a car ^o^ Oh speaking of which isn't my dress just so lovely in this photo? <333

View from mum's friend's house... FreaAKkkk!!!!
I can't take it!! 72nd storey!!!!!
I think if I lived in hk I'd be too scared of the building collapsing under me or over me it's seriously scary!!!! ((>_<))!!!!!!!!!!

We were really stupid and experimented with chucking stuff down..shhh!!!! I think it's not very legal ... Haha.... The tissue paper fluttered down nicely ^^but the paper plane fell down too fast :'(( we thought maybe... It fell into the carpark somewhere...?
Oh and the little girl behind me is thuong thuong my mum's friend's daughter :) cute rite?? Only 12 and taller than me T^T

To end my post!!! Butt mooncakes!!! Lol ^^

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