galivanting in the middle east?

Jul 02, 2004 00:29

I have no idea what day it is and the only source of time I have says 00:14am. So somewhere seven or ten hours behind in rotation are most of my friends, family, and everything I've ever known.

I've been in Israel since Friday, so I'm not exactly sure what day or what month that would make this, time has stopped and I've walked down 3000 year old corridors and ran my fingers along 2000 year old Jerusalem stone only to realize how little of everything I actually know.

I wake up around 5:20 every morning, blame jetlag if you must, but it's the perfect time to wander downstairs in the hotel and find myself meeting the sunrise in a place where the people and culture resonate history and life.

Driving from the airport to our hotel here in Jerusalem you can see the "wall" and the burning houses, and things you hear about but never really think you'll see. You feel animosity and love and it's rooted in thousands of years of a struggle I don't think I'll ever be able to understand.

Don't worry, I'm most likely not coming back ridiculously Jewish like most of you have predicted, but I certainly have more perspective and I feel a little smaller in such a large world. Also, I'm probably not going to be blown up or attacked, so you can all stop being insane now, the only thing that really scares me here is the traffic.. I'd probably be more likely to survive blind-folded walking across the city then I would in every day traffic here.. crazy Israelis..

There are a million other things I could say or express right now, about home, about my indecision, about feeling lonely in a place I should feel comfortable, but right now I'm in some desperate need of sleep and I can't entirely type out all the things that I'm feeling. Lame. Yup.

Ahh, and tomorrow night I'm sleeping in a Bedouin tent in the desert. Yeah.
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