Sep 21, 2004 10:35
I'm really loving it here. We moved again (loooong story, evil landlady, much better place) and are down by the water. I can look at the bay out my bedroom window. Pretty. The cats are all happier than I've seen them in years. The senior dowager cat was actually seen playing ball yesterday, and was heard to purr when I picked her up last night - this is a cat who does NOT like to be picked up, so the purring was really something. Her eyes are brighter than I've seen them in years and years, and she just loves opening the screen door herself and going out on the porch for a lookaround (and to let out less trustworthy cats and get them in trouble - perhaps her greatest joy). '
The quality of light here is really something. The porch faces north, more or less, so we can look around the corner at the sun setting over the city (ok, we can't see the city because of a bldg, but I know it's there) but the best show is actually looking north an hour before sunset... the sky turns all purple and pink with reflected light that rivals the real deal later in the evening. It's weirdly wonderful, sitting in a wraparound sunset.
I gotta say, it's also nice to not be worrying about whether my house will burn down in a fire this year. I expect a similar good feeling once winter is underway and (1) I have heat that comes out of the wall and (2) I'm not worried about a leaking roof or a tree coming through a skylight.
Ok, now off to the dentist for a second crown in as many months.... so much for the house money, it's going to all my medical practitioners!