Crazy people.

Feb 27, 2008 03:10

So I can't help but search for diet tips on the interwebz. I can't remember everything I read anyway. And I come across some sites that are "pro ana"...short for 'anorexia'. WHAT THE FUCK??? These people have issues. Serious ones. They put skeletons on a freakin pedestal. People with nothing but skin and bones. Disgusting I tell literally made me nauseous.

Anyways....I've started keeping a 'food diary' of sorts. Even after a few days, I'm starting to see some trends I didn't notice before. I'm keeping track of everything I ate that day, as well as my weight at certain times of the day, and I started putting my measurements in there, too. Those numbers aren't pretty, let me tell you. I can't wait to see those go down. And you guys are being a pretty good inspiration to me as well. Good to know that a lot of you want to see a thinner Lex in March, lol. But mostly I'm going for a healthier one.

I definitely need to start eating breakfast. I'm always so freakin hungry by the time I get to eat in the middle of the day, that I eat like a horse. Little meals throughout the day are the way to go, so it seems. I just need to start giving myself some time to eat in the morning, instead of waking up just in time to get dressed and leave. I also need to get some foods that are easier to just grab and eat....fruit and granola bars and whatnot. We seem to be devoid of those here.

I started excercising today, just a few little things I could fit in. We'll see how long I can keep that up. BUT....I found out that I can still do 50 crunches in a row, so that was cool. I can work up from there.

Well, I could go on about this, but I'll stop here. I'll try to update on how good I'm doing, like at the end of the week or something. Probably more. And keep the comments and advice coming, it really seems to be helping me. :)
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