Sometimes I wish ill will on myself and others for personal gain. I wanted the Watchman movie lawsuit to drag on and postpone the flick's release until around Christmastime this year because a couple of months ago I had an awesome idea for a Rorschach costume for this upcoming Halloween, but now that the movie is coming out this spring you won't be able to go to a Halloween party this October without spilling your drink on at least 3 or 4 Rorschachs.
I also seem to have caught some minor bit of the Death Plague (tm) that is going around but all it seems to have done is make my throat minorly sore on Thurs and Fri and make my right nostril boogery for the past couple of days. If it was worse and made me lose part of my voice and cough in people's faces I could skip a few days of work, but I shouldn't just in case I get more sick later. I shouldn't have attacked it with massive amounts of zinc, garlic, and single malt scotch when it started so that I feel relatively good today. I actually sliced up some raw garlic and chewed on it to see if I could handle the sting (and I did for a while but after 10 slices or so my mouth was on fire) because I heard that garlic can kill some types of Death Plague (tm) bacteria.
I hope to take a trip soon somewhere, perhaps the West Coast around Oregon or Washington, I've always wanted to go there for some reason. I wanted to attend PAX but it's labor day weekend and I don't want to travel then. I heard that Oregon might be due for a tsunami, apparently a big one hits every 200 years or so, hope it doesn't happen when I'm there.