If you're looking for a way to defrost your refrigerator that involves the least possible effort, here's my recommendation:
1. Start to defrost the freezer with a hair dryer, because you are impatient and there is a three inch thick wall of ice on the top of the freezer because you defrost it maybe once a year and you have a really awesome fridge that lets too much moisture in.
2. Hair dryer takes a dump 3 minutes into it.
3. Decide instead of defrosting fridge to go to Shopko to get a new hair dryer so that later that night when you go out your hair doesn't look too awesome for science to comprehend (and I needed other shit from there anyway, so it sort of is least effort).
4. Forget to turn the refrigerator back on.
5. The next day after work you open your freezer door and that
three inch thick boulder of ice comes crashing down on all the food in the freezer.