Yet another angry rant.

Nov 12, 2005 21:35

I hate Nirvana, more importantly Kurt Cobain.

Not to say I don't like their music, because I thoroughly enjoy their songs.

But I hate how everyone is like, "OMG KURT COBAIN IS SO AWESOME HE'S A MUSICAL GENIUS."

Ummm.. no.

The only reason he's famous is because he blew his head off.

In reality Nirvana's songs aren't complicated at all, and their lyrics aren't all that great either.

Where am I going with this you ask?

Fucking Billy Corgan of all people should be considered a muscial genius. I know he's not the greatest, but he's pretty fucking amazing.

Let me just put it this way: I don't respect a band where one of the lyrics is "everyone is gay."

So, face the facts all you Cobain heads out there. Billy Corgan totally pwns Kurt Cobain.

I wish Celebrity Death match was still on. Cause then I'd have Smashing Pumpkins and Nirvana go on, and Billy would pwn those Nirvana n00bs.

Oh yeah, and Trent Reznor's a pretty big n00b too. He doesn't like Billy, but I respect Trent cause NIN rocks.

And don't even try to say that Billy Corgan's voice sucks, because he could totally make the singing to screaming transaction better than Kurt could.

Billy Corgan>Kurt Cobain.

End of Story, n00bs.
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